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crystal ball science lessons
Below are links to lessons I've created and used over the years to explain and develop critical concepts in science. Feel free to download and use anything that might help you in your classroom.

Meet Linda
Need an inexpensive and fun science lesson? My 17 page booklet "Science on a Shoestring" includes all of the individual lessons and is available for FREE. Just click on the link below to open a printable copy. Individual lessons are also available by clicking on the link for the lesson you are interested in. The booklet and all the lessons are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. If you don't already have it, Acrobat Reader is available for free, just click on the Get Adobe Reader button. 
Get Adobe Reader  Science on a Shoestring booklet from Linda Smith
science on a shoestring science on a shoestring
Air pressure lesson from Crystal Ball Science bernoulli's principle lesson from Crystal Ball Science Air pressure science lesson from Crystal Ball Science electromagnetic spectrum lesson from Crystal Ball Science
air power bernoulli's principle candle magic catch a light ray
Density poster from Crystal Ball Science Density science lesson from Crystal Ball Science Air pressure science lesson from Crystal Ball Science Density Science lesson from Crystal Ball Science
density poster diver dan flip the cup floating boxes
Elementary science pedagogy from Crystal Ball Science  Instructions to build a hovercraft from Crystal Ball Science  Change of stste science lesson from Crystal Ball Science  Acids, Bases & pH science lesson from Crystal Ball Science 
Great Science Lesson Hover Board Peanut Crunch natural indicators
Measurement science lesson from Crystal Ball Science  Measurement science lesson from Crystal Ball Science  Density science lesson from Crystal Ball Science Electromagnetic spectrum science lesson from Crystal Ball Science
Scale the Universe Scaling the Solar System sewer bugs Shields & Detector Activity
Density science lesson from Crystal Ball Science Heat energy science lesson from Crystal Ball Science Liquids, Solids, Gases science lesson from Crystal Ball Science NSTA Learning Center tutorial from Crystal Ball Science
sinking straws splitting a flame what a state NSTA learning center
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